USA - WWR part 1

Montana - only about 1.3 million people live here in an area the size of Germany.

Along Lake Koocanusa, which was impounded by the Libby Dam, many Ospreys nest here and complain loudly if you get too close to their nests.

We cross the lake via the Koocanusa Bridge, an old picture shows that the pillars are much larger than we can see and gives an idea of ​​how deep the lake is. We have the streets to ourselves.

From the lake we turn right into our first US National Forest, which we will often cross on the Western Wildlands Route (WWR).

The first small town on our route is Troy. Here you can see Montana is more America than America. Patriotic cookie and beer holders, the mailbox, every street lamp and fence bear the US flag. There is even a separate disposal system for frayed flags, true to the motto: "Respect the flag".

We take a rest day on a beautiful campsite on the Kootenai River. Countless hummingbirds and other birds fly around.

In many gardens, old collectibles are rusting away.

Again through pristine forests we find a spot where cedar trees are over 1000 years old. Some are over eight feet (2.4m) in diameter.

On to the Porcupine Pass, our most difficult climb so far. We saw a lot of animals that day and also a Bambi. Good weather was forecast, but in the afternoon it stormed and poured out buckets. Everything was wet. As compensation, we could see a baby moose with mommy in the distance.

It got steep again to Wallace in Idaho. And again it is difficult to describe these huge forests that stretch to the horizon.

In the old gold mining village made of bricks, we ate greasy food and washed our laundry. Much of the past is still well preserved here.

The "Route of the Hiawatha", an old railway line that has been converted into a bicycle route. It goes over old bridge structures and unlit tunnels. The last 2.5 km tunnel brought us back to Montana.

After Hoodoos Pass we enjoy a beautiful descent along the Clearwater River. By the way, wild camping is allowed everywhere in the US National Forests and there is always something to discover.

We spend the afternoon of July 4th in Pierce. The small community of 500 has a bigger firework on their independence day than Berlin on new years eve.


USA - WWR part 2


Banff - U.S. Border